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06 April 2020 | dataset

The Port Olry Biofuel Project in Vanuatu - A Pacific Case study : Technical Evaluation Report

This report was prepared by Iese Toimoana of the Pacific Power Association. 

According to the Terms of Reference (TOR) the objective s of the Port Olry assignment are to: i) Undertake an independent assessment /evaluation of the Port Orly Biofuel Project; and, ii) Assess the technical, economic, markets, institutional, social and environmental opportunities and constraints of biofuel in Vanuatu with the view to replicate successful experiences . In the TOR it is specified that a ‘Comprehensive report on the technical aspects of the Port Orly Biofuel Project’ is one of the deliverables, which is this report. As part of the evaluation the team of three consultants, Rupeni Mario (SPC), Thomas Jensen (UNDP), and Iese Toimoana (PPA) visited the village on 17 July 2010 to 20 July 2010 . The technical assessment of the electricity sector focused on the following areas:

  • Coconut oil Mill condition and performance;
  • Coconut oil generator condition and performance;
  • Distribution network condition and performance;
  • Safety issues associated with the system operation.
Field Value
Publisher Pacific Data Hub
Modified 24 June 2022
Release Date 06 April 2020
Source URL
Identifier d624a9b3-1c8f-44bc-b02c-9ae7e2a654c9
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Array
Relevant Countries Vanuatu
License Public
[Open Data]