6701 results
 Pacific Data Hub
… features that represent the maritime boundaries of the Fiji Islands. This includes a gazetted polyline representing … the 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone over which Fiji has sovereign rights, for the purposes of exploring and … the archipelagic straight baselines (base points) for Fiji,Rotuma and Ceva I Ra. The Secretariat has updated these …
 Pacific Data Hub

Maritime boundary treaty delimitation signed but not yet entered into force.

 Pacific Data Hub

Agriculture Census involves the collecting of key structural data by complete enumeration of all agricultural holdings using sampling frames. The Agriculture Census is a government activity, undertaken by the Ministry of Agriculture which will include the enumeration of all farming programmes by Village, Tikina and Province regarding land tenure, livestock and day to day activities by the household.

 Pacific Data Hub

More statistical data on PDH.STAT: https://stats.pacificdata.org/

 Pacific Data Hub

More statistical data on PDH.STAT: https://stats.pacificdata.org/