80064 results
 Smithsonian Institution

The vertebrate fauna of Rotuma consists of over 425
fish species, no amphibians, 11 terrestrial reptiles, 15
land birds and two native mammals. The zoogeographic
affinity of the Rotuman fish fauna is with the Pacific
plate fauna; in contrast, the affinity of the reptile fauna
is with the Fijian fauna. A species list of Rotuman
occurrence is provided for each of the four vertebrate
groups as well as brief descriptions of the marine and
terrestrial habitats.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

 The Smithsonian Institution

The Clipperton atoll (10°18'N, 109°13'W) is closed and holds a
lagoon with marked stratification; surface waters are brackish
(S=4/6%), but deep waters show a salinity close to that of seawater and high concentrations of H2S; temperature and pH are high. In this paper, environmental data concerning the atoll, the lagoon and the surrounding ocean are recalled and are followed by the study of the zooplankton of the lagoon and ocean.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 17 p.

 The Pacific Science Board

During October and November of 1961, the Marine Physical Laboratory of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, in cooperation with the British Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, sponsored a series of geophysical measurements on Christmas Island. Continuous recordings of the earth's magnetic field were made simultaneously at various points on the island under the direction of Ronald G. Mason and John Northrop of the Marine Physical Laboratory of the University of California, San Diego.

 The Smithsonian Institution

Satawal is a small flat coral island in the west central Caroline Islands about 1050 km east-south-east of Yap Island, at latitude 7'21' N, longitude 147'02' E. Although its surface is locally somewhat irregular, its greatest height is not more than about 4 meters above mean low water. Its long axis is about east-west and its area is 1.3 square km. It is surrounded by a fringing reef upward of 100 meters wide. It has no lagoon, so would be classified according to Tayama's scheme as a table reef. From the viewpoint of land ecology it is an atoll.

 Smithsonian Institution

On the 21 small islands located within the northern bays and reef systems of Tongatapu, Tonga, species of terrestrial flora present were identified, and vegetation units and gemorphological features surveyed on 12 that were previously unmapped. A species/ area plot of the data shows that rock islands are consistently more diverse than sand islands. Size of flora is also a function of frequency of human use of islands,

 Tom Iversion & Associates

Most of the 96 national monuments designated under U.S. law
are on land. The majority are managed by the National Park
Service, though some are administered by the Bureau of Land
Management and other agencies. At this point neither the
name of the proposed Mariana Trench Marine National Monu-
ment (MTMNM) nor the management structure has been de-
termined. For guidance one could review the process of the
recently designated Papahanaumokuakea Marine National
Monument (PMNM), which is placed within the purview of the

 Smithsonian Institution

The recorded flora of the raised phosphatic limestone island of Nauru in the equatorial Pacific Ocean consists of approximately 493 species. Only 59 are possibly indigenous, none of which are endemic. The balance is composed of ornamentals, weedy exotics, food plants, and a limited number of other useful cultigens. Twelve of the recorded species are either extinct or were never successfully established on Nauru.