81018 results

Download Employed population by education, occupation and economic sector data

Download E-Government development index data

Download COVID-19 economic lead indicators data

Download Summary of adoption of e-commerce legislation (UNCTAD) data

Download Inflation rates data

Download Selected International Commodity Prices data

Download Civil Registration Completeness within 12 months of Birth or Death data

Download Balance of payments data

Download Selection of Asian Development Bank Key Indicators (ADB KI) for Pacific Island Countries and Territories data

Download Food security: Number of households engaged in crops by type of crop, by geography, sex, age, urbanization and wealth (Kiribati, Tuvalu and Vanuatu) data

Download Food security: Number of households engaged in crops, livestock, fishing and handicraft, by geography, sex, age, urbanization and wealth (Kiribati, Tuvalu and Vanuatu) data