The UN Biodiversity Lab is an online platform that allows policymakers and other partners to access global data layers, upload and manipulate their own datasets, and query multiple datasets to provide key information on the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and nature-based Sustainable Development Goals.
Review of Regional E-Waste Recycling
The PacificMap is a platform developed by CSIRO Data61 and the Pacific Data Hub (PDH) in collaboration with the Pacific Community Secretariat (SPC), as part of the Asia - Pacific for Development Initiative (D4D). The PacificMap is a platform for map-based access to spatial data from 22 Pacific Island Countries and Territories. It will lower the barrier and enhance access to timely, relevant and useful data for government and non-government organisations, businesses and communities throughout the Pacific.
GOA-ON works to improve our understanding of global ocean acidification conditions and ecosystem responses by making ocean acidification data easily accessible. This data portal contains platforms and products measuring ocean acidification parameters around the world.
'Story Maps' allows an individual to combine authoritative maps with narrative text, images, and multimedia content to make it easy to harness the power of maps and geography to tell a story. An insight into Tuvalu's environmental issues is featuring on the story map website with images and ArcGIS contents.
Tuvalu became the 189th member of the United Nations on September 5, 2000. This dataset provides a direct internet link to access all the highlight information pertaining to Tuvalu's participation in the UN
The GEOSS Portal is an online map-based user interface which allows users to discover and access Earth observation data and resources from different providers from all over the world.
The portal is implemented and operated by the European Space Agency and provides a single internet discovery and access point to the ever-growing quantities of heterogeneous collections of Earth observations from satellites, airplanes, drones and in-situ sensors at global, regional and local scales through the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS).
BIORAP survey conducted by Ridge to Reef team in collaboration with department of environment,fisheries and agriculture.
This dataset includes all documents related to the Nukulaelae Port development
all relevant document including EIA Rports for Nauti Primary School Classroom Building in Funafuti
The project. The Outer Island Maritime Infrastructure Project – Additional Financing (the project) will continue the efforts of the Government of Tuvalu (the government) with support from Asian Development Bank (ADB) to rehabilitate and improve maritime infrastructure on outer islands. The Outer Islands Maritime Infrastructure Project is improving infrastructure on Nukulaelae, Nanumaga and Niutao which was damaged by Tropical Cyclone Pam in March 2015.
This dataset provides a direct internet link to easily access marine life information and data recorded for Tuvalu on the Sea Life Base portal. Sea Life Base is a global online database of information about marine life. It aims to provide key information on the taxonomy, distribution and ecology of all marine species in the world apart from finfish.
The Convention for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment of the South Pacific Region (1986) is also known as the SPREP Convention or Noumea Convention. The Convention has two Protocols that also entered into force in 1990. This Convention is the major multilateral umbrella agreement in the Pacific Region for the protection of natural resources and the environment.
This datase provides a direct internet link to access fish species information such as (names, distribution, taxonomy, habitats, behavior, genetic etc) for Tuvalu
FishBase is a global species database of fish species (specifically finfish). It is the largest and most extensively accessed online database on adult finfish on the web.
Final verified descriptive and spatial data for Tuvalu's protected areas received from Tuvalu DOE, March 2019.
For the Ninth Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas December 2013, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) commissioned an assessment of the status of biodiversity and conservation in Oceania. This report assesses the overall state of conservation in Tuvalu using 16 indicators. *this report wasn't published but was sent to country for checking (2013)* - to be used for the Regional SOE initiative 2019
Tuvalu Protected Areas (PA) data from the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA), downloaded August 2019. This dataset includes both tables and spatial data
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent the world’s plan of action for social inclusion, environmental sustainability and economic development. The mining industry has an unprecedented opportunity to mobilize significant human, physical, technological and financial resources to advance the SDGs.
The purpose of this Regulation is to –
(a) State the principles and rules to support the recovery, processing, treatment and shipment of incoming goods at the end of their operation conditions;
(b) Provide mechanism for revenue collection and administration; and
(c) Provide legal framework that encourages waste avoidance and resource recovery behaviour.