11880 results

Locality of Nauru Island hydrology feature - Buada Lagoon.

Locality of Nauru Island hydrology feature - Buada Lagoon.

Environmental and social safeguards report form pursuant to para. 17 of the IDP

FSM Regulations on Controlled Substances under the Montreal Protocol

1) At administrative level 1 these tables do not refer to the National Capital District or to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. The National Capital District is combined with the Central Province and Bougainville is combined with the North Solomons province.

Map showing the PNG roads 2014 - Open Street Map dataset and the PNG roads 2000 - National Mapping Bureau dataset.

Youtube video on how to upload a dataset for logged-in users

Used lubricants and oil assessed under seven broad waste generating sector were in the form of: industry and factory plant oil; industry engine, electrical, and other oils; marine lubes; transmission and gear oils; and vehicle and transport engine oils (Figure 4). From discussion with engineers, mechanics, and other experts on used lubricants and oil generation, it was possible that almost same amount of lubricating oils used would be generated and/or collected from machinery items per services.