12137 results
… This resource is a zip file containing the aggregated catch data … the Nauru Exclusive Economic Zone, relevant literature, and methods/metadata for the tabular catch data. Please note … data’) are a combination of official reported data and reconstructed estimates of unreported data (including …
… This resource is a zip file containing the aggregated catch data … for the Niue Exclusive Economic Zone, relevant literature, and methods/metadata for the tabular catch data. Please note … data’) are a combination of official reported data and reconstructed estimates of unreported data (including …
… This resource is a zip file containing the aggregated catch data … the Palau Exclusive Economic Zone, relevant literature, and methods/metadata for the tabular catch data. Please note … data’) are a combination of official reported data and reconstructed estimates of unreported data (including …
… This resource is a zip file containing the aggregated catch data … Timor-Leste Exclusive Economic Zone, relevant literature, and methods/metadata for the tabular catch data. Please note … data’) are a combination of official reported data and reconstructed estimates of unreported data (including …
… This resource is a zip file containing the aggregated catch data … the Tokelau Exclusive Economic Zone, relevant literature, and methods/metadata for the tabular catch data. Please note … data’) are a combination of official reported data and reconstructed estimates of unreported data (including …
… This resource is a zip file containing the aggregated catch data … the Tonga Exclusive Economic Zone, relevant literature, and methods/metadata for the tabular catch data. Please note … data’) are a combination of official reported data and reconstructed estimates of unreported data (including …
… This resource is a zip file containing the aggregated catch data … the Tuvalu Exclusive Economic Zone, relevant literature, and methods/metadata for the tabular catch data. Please note … data’) are a combination of official reported data and reconstructed estimates of unreported data (including …
… This resource is a zip file containing the aggregated catch data … the Vanuatu Exclusive Economic Zone, relevant literature, and methods/metadata for the tabular catch data. Please note … data’) are a combination of official reported data and reconstructed estimates of unreported data (including …
… This resource is a zip file containing the aggregated catch data … the Samoa Exclusive Economic Zone, relevant literature, and methods/metadata for the tabular catch data. Please note … data’) are a combination of official reported data and reconstructed estimates of unreported data (including …
 Pacific Data Hub
… bed surveys were undertaken in south Tarawa by UNDP staff and consultants assisted by personnel supplied by the government of Kiribati during November and December 1981. A copy of the map can be downloaded by … provide material for the construction of a road causeway, and possibly an airfield, linking Betio and Bairiki islands. …
 Pacific Data Hub
… bed surveys were undertaken in south Tarawa by UNDP staff and consultants assisted by personnel supplied by the government of Kiribati during November and December 1981. A copy of the map can be downloaded by … provide material for the construction of a road causeway, and possibly an airfield, linking Betio and Bairiki islands. …
 Pacific Data Hub
… provide material for the construction of a road causeway, and possibly an airfield, linking Betio and Bairiki islands. Also, to undertake a geophysical survey … the borehole data over the whole area of interest and to obtain as much additional data as possible on the …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Shorelines (1992) are compared to shorelines from 1943 and 1969. This Base map showcase West of Betio, Sheet 1 of 2. The map was drawn based on surveys and aerial images taken in 1969, 1943 and 1992. Shoreline data are from 1945 and 1953 surveys from …
 Pacific Data Hub
… provide material for the construction of a road causeway, and possibly an airfield, linking Betio and Bairiki islands. Also, to undertake a geophysical survey … the borehole data over the whole area of interest and to obtain as much additional data as possible on the …
 Pacific Data Hub
… provide material for the construction of a road causeway, and possibly an airfield, linking Betio and Bairiki islands. Also, to undertake a geophysical survey … the borehole data over the whole area of interest and to obtain as much additional data as possible on the …
 Pacific Data Hub
… provide material for the construction of a road causeway, and possibly an airfield, linking Betio and Bairiki islands. Also, to undertake a geophysical survey … the borehole data over the whole area of interest and to obtain as much additional data as possible on the …
 Pacific Data Hub
… provide material for the construction of a road causeway, and possibly an airfield, linking Betio and Bairiki islands. Also, to undertake a geophysical survey … the borehole data over the whole area of interest and to obtain as much additional data as possible on the …
 Pacific Data Hub
… provide material for the construction of a road causeway, and possibly an airfield, linking Betio and Bairiki islands. Also, to undertake a geophysical survey … the borehole data over the whole area of interest and to obtain as much additional data as possible on the …
 Pacific Data Hub
… provide material for the construction of a road causeway, and possibly an airfield, linking Betio and Bairiki islands. Also, to undertake a geophysical survey … the borehole data over the whole area of interest and to obtain as much additional data as possible on the …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Shorelines (1992) are compared to shorelines from 1943 and 1969. This Base map showcase East of Betio, Sheet 2 of 2. The map was drawn based on surveys and aerial images taken in 1969, 1943 and 1992. Shoreline data are from 1945 and 1953 surveys from …