6728 results
 Pacific Data Hub
… Equipment) gauge was installed in Lautoka, Viti Levu, Fiji Islands. Readings(height observations) recorded from the … gauge, which is connected to the land. SEAFRAME location: Fiji (Lautoka); Minimum recorded air temperature (degrees C): … air temperature (degrees C): 33.4. … … Pacific Data Hub … fiji-islands … lautoka … marine … oceanography … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Equipment) gauge was installed in Lautoka, Viti Levu, Fiji Islands. Readings(height observations) recorded from the … gauge, which is connected to the land. SEAFRAME location: Fiji (Lautoka); Minimum recorded air temperature (degrees C): … air temperature (degrees C): 33.4. … … Pacific Data Hub … fiji-islands … lautoka … marine … oceanography … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… and Sites for Waste-to-Energy Power Generation in Fiji. keywords: resource, waste, biomass, Fiji … … Pacific Data Hub … Built Environment …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Maritime boundaries between Fiji and Solomon Islands was signed along the margins of the …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Proceedings of the 5th Fiji multi-stakeholder consultations, Nadroga Provincial House, Sigatoka, Fiji, 2nd July 2004 … … Pacific Data Hub … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Government of the French Republic and the Government of Fiji relating to the delimitation of their economic zone, 8 … Government of the French Republic and the Government of Fiji relating to the delimitation of their economic zone, 8 … and Wallis and Futuna and the exclusive economic zone of Fiji is based on the line of equidistance, with certain minor …
 Pacific Data Hub
… developed by SPC in collaboration with BAG. Republic of Fiji 2012-2017 Vital Statistics Report. Noumea, New …
… This report documents the Pacific Women Fiji Country Plan program’s annual reflection and planning …
 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)
… Residents Of UCUNIVANUA VILLAGE, On The Eastern Coast Of Fiji’s largest island, realized that the marine resources … a larger pattern of depletion repeated throughout the Fiji islands. A combination of greater commercial fishing and larger local subsistence harvests have left most of Fiji’s coastal waters overfished, sometimes heavily so.Rural …
 Pacific Data Hub
… R.. 2021. Engaging women in pearl meat farming in Fiji. SPC Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin #34. …
 Pacific Data Hub
… This record holds 2 concept notes that were submitted by Fiji for the ACSE Programme implementation: Planned … Change Adaptation. Total requested budget - FJD 1,091,000. Fiji Sustainable Energy Hybrid Power Project (FSEHPP). …
… This document reports on the first study in Fiji to explore community views about women in politics and …
… This report presents findings from a study in Fiji usin the Individual Deprivation Measure, which measures …
 Pacific Data Hub
… This Report, provides the status of Fiji’s implementation as regards the Millennium Development … was timely as it coincided with the Mid Term Review of Fiji’s SDP 2003-2005 whereby the MDG indicators were also … sectors as part of the SDP review.  The Report contains Fiji’s development trends; and progress made and constraints …
 Pacific Data Hub
… from the Government, the UNDP or the World Bank. Fiji's performance in the energy sector has been remarkably … the findings of an energy assessment mission which visited Fiji in December 1982. … … Pacific Data Hub … Built …
… Government Finance Statistics in USD (current prices) for Fiji … csv … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… I., Lagibalavu M. 1998. Tuna and billfish fisheries of Fiji's fishing zone [WP 32]. Noumea, New Caledonia: …
… Government Finance Statistics in USD (current prices) for Fiji … pdf … …