6728 results
 Pacific Data Hub
… Zieroth G. 2008. Fiji Electricity Authority (FEA) regulatory review - regulatory functions in Fiji's electricity sector, PIEPSAP project report 75f, April 2008. Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. 19 p. … … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Billings G., Pickering T. 2010. Fiji launches milkfish aquaculture project for food security. …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Contiguous Zone for Fiji extracted from the Global Marine Regions database …
 Pacific Data Hub
… A. 2002. Community-based marine resource management in Fiji: The challenges. SPC Women in Fisheries Information …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Post-training evaluation of Fiji course, "improving sanitation and wastewater management … for Pacific Island Countires", 24-28 October 2005, Suva, Fiji Islands … … Pacific Data Hub … sopac-commission … …
 Pacific Data Hub
Fiji Electricity Authority (FEA) regulatory review - regulatory functions in Fiji's electricity sector, PIEPSAP project report 75f, April …
 Pacific Data Hub
Fiji Islands energy security indicator profile taken in 2009. …
 Pacific Data Hub
… The Fiji Young Women’s’ Forum convened by Diverse Voices and … young women leaders and activists aged 18 – 30 years from Fiji to discuss barriers and strategies to young women’s meaningful participation and representation in Fiji’s democratisation process. Young Fijian women leaders …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Regulatory functions in Fiji's electricity sector. … … Pacific Data Hub … Built …
 Pacific Data Hub
… The Fiji Low Emission Development Strategy 2018-2050 was … the Global Green Growth Institute. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Fiji Low Emission Development Strategy (LEDS) 2018-2050 is a … to define pathways to achieve low emission development in Fiji until 2050. Fiji is highly vulnerable to climate change …
… Statistics in domestic currency (current prices) for Fiji … pdf … …
… Statistics in percentage of GDP (current prices) for Fiji … pdf … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… of sea cucumber resources and fisheries management in Fiji. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the Pacific …
 Pacific Data Hub
… and Tarabe V. 2021. Gender inclusion and mainstreaming in Fiji’s offshore fisheries sector. SPC Women in Fisheries …
 Pacific Data Hub

Demand Side Management Project : Review and report on the current status of DSM activities within SOPAC member country electric power utilities; determine the most appropriate technologies and methodology for the implementation of a DSM programme; prepare a detailed programme design; and the implementation, management and reporting for at least three demonstration DSM projects.

… a shapefile layer that shows the maritime boundary between Fiji and Solomon Islands. The layer can be opened in any GIS …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Design Oriented Database of Fiji Renewable Energy Resource. Prepared for the Office for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Technologies Fiji Department of Energy. By Luis A. Vega based in Hawaii.  … addresses the solar radiation and wind data available for Fiji.  Guides to the use of these data, for the design of …
… This report presents the integrated case study for Fiji carried out under an OECD project on Development and … recent climate trends and climate change scenarios for Fiji are assessed, and key sectoral impacts are identified … assistance. Third, an in-depth analysis is conducted for Fiji’s coastal mangroves which help reduce coastal inundation …