SPREP Director General

9 September 2022, Apia – The second and final day of the Third Executive Board Meeting of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) saw the Third Executive Board members who represent the 21 Pacific island Member countries and territories applaud the Secretariat on the work that had been completed over the past year, and commit to support its ongoing efforts to realize a resilient Pacific environment that sustains Pacific livelihoods and natural heritage in harmony with Pacific cultures. 

The two-day meeting was conducted via a blended platform, with Members in Apia attending in person and those from around the Pacific joining in virtually. The meeting was the first for the Secretariat under the leadership of its new Director General, Mr Sefanaia Nawadra. 

The final day of the meeting started with participants observing a moment of silence which was called for by the Director General, in honour of the passing of Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of England. 

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