3 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Geographical ID
Dwelling Type
Household Roster
Population Characteristics
Functioning, Social Behaviour & Illness
Education, Languages And Literacy
Economic Activities Last Week
Fertility And Mortality
Communications And Internet
Agriculture And Fishing
GPS + Photo

 Pacific Data Hub

- HOUSEHOLD: Dwelling characteristics; sources of water; means of cooking; rubbish disposal; hosuehold items; access to Sky TV, internet; numbers of pigs and chickens; sources of income.
- INDIVIDUALS: Name (suppressed), sex, age, realationship to household head; living where; ethnicity; religion; birth mother and father still alive; language skills: speaking and writing; address 5 years ago; education and qualifications; marital status; paid and unpaid employment; children given birth to.

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 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Dwelling age; number of rooms; sources of water; means of cooking; rubbish disposal; household items; access to Sky TV, internet; numbers of pigs and chickens; sources of income; combined annual household income

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