24 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Increasing CO2 in seawater (i.e. ocean acidification) may have various and potentially adverse effects on phytoplankton dynamics and hence the organic carbon dynamics. We conducted a CO2 manipulation experiment in the Sea of Okhotsk in summer 2006 to investigate the response of the organic carbon dynamics.

 Pacific Data Hub

The California Undercurrent transports Pacific Equatorial Water (PEW) into the Southern California Bight from the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. PEW is characterized by higher temperatures and salinities, with lower pH, representing a source of potentially corrosive (aragonite, inline image) water to the region. We use ichthyoplankton assemblages near the cores of the California Current and the California Undercurrent to determine whether PEW influenced fish diversity.

 Pacific Data Hub

As atmospheric concentrations of CO2 rise, the pH of high-latitude oceans is predicted to decrease by 0.3 to 0.5 units by 2100. Several biological consequences of ocean acidification across this pH range have already been documented in invertebrates and tropical marine fishes. However, little work has been done examining potential responses of the temperate and boreal marine fish species that support major fisheries. In 2 experiments, we examined the growth responses of juvenile walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma at ambient and 3 elevated CO2 levels.

 Pacific Data Hub

Deep-sea species are generally thought to be less tolerant of environmental variation than shallow-living species due to the relatively stable conditions in deep waters for most parameters (e.g. temperature, salinity, oxygen, and pH). To explore the potential for deep-sea hermit crabs (Pagurus tanneri) to acclimate to future ocean acidification, we compared their olfactory and metabolic performance under ambient (pH ∼7.6) and expected future (pH ∼7.1) conditions.