2 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Data captures electrification level of schools in the Solomon Islands as of 2015. Data provided by the Ministry of Education via Mr Mike Haukaria. Dataset is captured in excel format providing the following information:

  • List of primary and secondary schools
  • Schools that has access to power
  • Schools that have no access to power
 Pacific Data Hub

Record captures % of  regional access to energy as of 2009. This is the raw data used for the compilation of the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP) Indicators by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC). 2009 is used as the baseline for data compilation. Dataset was last updated in 2009. Indicators captured here for the 14 PICs are:
1. Regional  electrification rate
2. Access to small scale power rural
3. Access to modern energy rural
4. Access to modern energy urban