5 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Ocean acidification represents a key threat to coral reefs by reducing the calcification rate of the major reef framework builders. In addition, acidification is likely to affect the important relationship between corals and their symbiotic dinoflagellates, and on the productivity of this association. However, little is known about how acidification impacts on the physiology of key reef builders and how acidification interacts with warming.

 Pacific Data Hub

Turf algal assemblages are ubiquitous primary producers on coral reefs, but little is known about the response of this diverse group to ocean acidification (OA) across different temperatures. We tested the hypothesis that CO2 influences the functional response of epilithic and endolithic turf assemblages to increasing temperature. Replicate carbonate plugs covered by turf were collected from the reef and exposed to ambient and high pCO2 (1000 µatm) conditions for 3 weeks.

 Pacific Data Hub

The CO2-boosted trophic transfer from primary producers to herbivores has been increasingly discovered at natural CO2 vents and in laboratory experiments. Despite the emerging knowledge of this boosting effect, we do not know the extent to which it may be enhanced or dampened by ocean warming. We investigated whether ocean acidification and warming enhance the nutritional quality (C:N ratio) and energy content of turf algae, which is speculated to drive higher feeding rate, greater energy budget and eventually faster growth of herbivores.

 Pacific Data Hub

Hizikia fusiforme (Harv.) Okamura (brown seaweed) was cultured using aeration with two CO2 conditions: outdoor air (actual atmospheric CO2 concentration, averaging 360 $μ$l l-1) and CO2-enriched air (averaging 700 $μ$l l-1), to investigate the possible adjustments of elevated atmospheric CO2 to the growth, photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism in this mariculture species. Aeration with CO2-enriched air reduced the pH in the culture medium in comparison with aeration with air. The mean relative growth rate was enhanced when H. fusiforme was grown at high CO2 with respect to normal CO2.

 Pacific Data Hub

Ulva spp., an increasingly important food, are the dominant species of the large-scale green tides. In this study, both the growth and the physiological responses of the Ulva prolifera were studied after cultured in three different light and dark regimes (12:12, 14:10 and 16:8-h light/dark) in combination with current (420 $μ$atm; LC) and increased (1000 $μ$atm; HC) levels of atmospheric CO2. Grown rate of U.