2 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Ulva is the dominant genus in the green tide events and is considered to have efficient CO2 concentrating mechanisms (CCMs). However, little is understood regarding the impacts of ocean acidification on the CCMs of Ulva and the consequences of thalli's acclimation to ocean acidification in terms of responding to environmental factors. Here, we grew a cosmopolitan green alga, Ulva linza at ambient (LC) and elevated (HC) CO2 levels and investigated the alteration of CCMs in U. linza grown at HC and its responses to the changed seawater carbon chemistry and light intensity.

 Pacific Data Hub

Hizikia fusiforme (Harv.) Okamura (brown seaweed) was cultured using aeration with two CO2 conditions: outdoor air (actual atmospheric CO2 concentration, averaging 360 $μ$l l-1) and CO2-enriched air (averaging 700 $μ$l l-1), to investigate the possible adjustments of elevated atmospheric CO2 to the growth, photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism in this mariculture species. Aeration with CO2-enriched air reduced the pH in the culture medium in comparison with aeration with air. The mean relative growth rate was enhanced when H. fusiforme was grown at high CO2 with respect to normal CO2.