3 results
 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Household characteristics, water supply, energy, toilet, tradition, communication & technology, waste management, involvment in agriculture, fishing, farming, equipment, transport.

-INDIVIDUAL: Individual characteristics, disability, literacy and language, information & technology, education, economic activity, income, narcotics, cultural activities and fertility.

 Pacific Data Hub

This is the tenth census undertaken by the Statistics Office, the first being in 1971, and it has been held every five years ever since.

The census counts all persons present in the Cook Islands on the census night of the 1st December 2016, including visitors temporary in the country. Cook Islanders who are living or are temporarily on vacation abroad are excluded.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Census provides a unique source of detailed demographic, social and economic data relating to the entire population at a single point in time. The most fundamental questions it will answer concern the size and distribution of the entire population, the extent to which men and women participate in the economy, and the nature of housing and household facilities.