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07 June 2021 | dataset

Monitoring Coastal Changes on Tongatapu, 1995

The objectives of this study were as follows:
1. Resurvey and delineation of the sand resource of eight beaches on Tongatapu
2. Evaluation of the extent of recent coastal changes on Tongatapu including changes effected by cyclones and other natural events, beach sand extraction, and interaction between the two.
3. Investigation of the rate of sand production and implications for the sustainability of beach mining.
4. Evaluation of the procedures for coastal monitoring and resource management on Tongatapu and recommendations for a viable monitoring program in support of the Integrated Coastal Area Management initiative.

Data and Resource

Monitoring Coastal Changes on Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga

This was an integrated effort by all concerned…

Field Value
Publisher Department of Environment, Tonga
Release Date
Source URL
Identifier fd91ed1b-2c85-40a8-8580-04e1056313ad
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Tonga
Relevant Countries Tonga
Language English
License Public
[Open Data]
Contact Name SOPAC Secretariat
Contact Email [email protected]
POD Theme Coastal and Marine