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19 August 2021 | dataset

The state of coral reef ecosystems of Guam : 2008

The reefs of Guam have been spared from severe and widespread coral mortality associated with large-scale bleaching events, but observations in 2006 and 2007 suggest that bleaching events in Guam’s reefs may become more frequent and severe in the coming decades. The first large-scale bleaching event reported in Guam since the establishment of the University of Guam Marine Laboratory (UOGML) in 1970, was an event in 1994, with another event reported in 1996 (Paulay and Benayahu, 1999). The bleaching in 1996 was believed to have been more severe than in 1994, but a detailed record is not available. It is generally held that neither of these events resulted in significant coral mortality. Paulay and Benayahu (1999) reported that these events were not related to elevated water temperatures, but a recent examination of satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST) measurements suggests that sustained, higher than average water temperatures may have played a role.

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Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 45 p. ; 29 cm

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Publisher SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)
Release Date
Source URL
Identifier VL-34758
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location SPREP LIBRARY
Relevant Countries Pacific Region
License Public
[Open Data]
Author Burdick, David
Contact Name SPREP Records and Archives Officer
Contact Email [email protected]