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Sustainable Development Goal 03 - Good Health and Well-Being

"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages : Some progress has been made against key mortality measures. Maternal mortality ratios have already fallen below the 2030 target in three-quarters of Pacific countries and territories, and one-half have achieved the under-five mortality rate target of fewer than 25 deaths per 100,000; The increasing burden of non-communicable diseases, both with respect to the risk of premature mortality and health care costs, is the dominant health issue in the Pacific region. A mixed pattern is found in the two lifestyle risk factors of alcohol and smoking, with three Pacific countries featuring among the top ten world countries in prevalence of current tobacco use among persons aged 15 years and older; Health worker density remains below WHO guidelines in most countries in the region; Malaria is still present in three countries (PNG, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu), although the incidence is decreasing due to awareness and preventative measures.
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Publisher Pacific Data Hub
Modified 01 June 2022
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Identifier SPC-DF_SDG_03
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License Public
[Open Data]
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