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19 August 2021 | dataset

Notes from the "Developing effective Environmental legislation in the Pacific Context" workshop, Suva 24-28 November 2008

Constitution - The constitution of a country usually mentions the environment in the preamble, but not in the substance of the
constitution. E.g. Soloman Islands took into account the importance of the environment and that the resources belonged to the people. Resources are usually under common law and under the power of the state, so this was a paradigm shift. Unfortunately, the new government will not include this proposal that the environment belongs to the people.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 78 p.

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Publisher SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)
Release Date
Source URLā€¦
Identifier VL-35399
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location SPREP LIBRARY
Relevant Countries Pacific Region
License Public
[Open Data]
Contact Name SPREP Records and Archives Officer
Contact Email [email protected]