19177 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Visit to Vila, Vanuatu to attend regional technical meeting for Asia-Pacific on the sustainable development of small island developing states (SIDS), 31 May - 4 June 1993

 Pacific Data Hub

The potential of marine minerals in the South Pacific; where are we and where are we going, October 1989

 Pacific Data Hub

Borrow pit infilling pilot project, status report as at 23 May 1990

 Pacific Data Hub

Summary Tuvalu borrow pit infilling pilot project, November 1994

 Pacific Data Hub

Summary report of the Tuvalu borrow pit infilling pilot project, 1989 - 1995

 Pacific Data Hub

A master development plan for the sustainable development of the biomass resources of Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu & Vanuatu

 Pacific Data Hub

Mission Report – drinking water safety planning, risk assessment in disaster situation and water quality monitoring training and sanitary survey and risk management, Tonga, 3-7 October 2011

 Pacific Data Hub

Niue technical report - high-resolution bathymetry survey, fieldwork undertaken from 29/04/2005 to 20/05/2005

 Pacific Data Hub

Samoa technical report, high-resolution bathymetric survey, fieldwork undertaken from 27 January to 1 March 2004

 Pacific Data Hub

Fiji technical report, high-resolution bahtymetric survey of South Viti Levu, fieldwork undertaken from 3 May to 1 July 2003

 Pacific Data Hub

Papua New Guinea technical report, high-resolution bathymetric survey, fieldwork undertaken from 28 May to 15 June 2006

 Pacific Data Hub

Republic of Marshall Islands technical report, high-resolution bathymetric survey of Majuro, fieldwork undertaken from 18 to 27 July 2006

 Pacific Data Hub

Federated States of Micronesia technical report, high-resolution bathymetric survey of Pohnpei, fieldwork undertaken from 30 June to 14 May 2006

 Pacific Data Hub

Beaches on the Southwest shoreline of Suva Peninsula, Viti Levu, Fiji Islands, November 1996

 Pacific Data Hub

The South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission, SOPAC, carried out a marine survey for Samoa around the island of Savai'i and Upolu. The Bathymetric map of Samoa shows the chart bounds as blue boxes. The wave and current regime at three main locations mainly in the passage between the two islands (Apolima Strait) was also investigated.

 Pacific Data Hub

This record holds the bathymetry chart of Marovo Island in the Solomon Islands . High-resolution bathymetric mapping survey, was conducted for the seabed surrounding the island of Marovo, to collect data. The survey was carried out from the 1st of July 2005 to the 6th of July 2005 using Reason 8160 MBES equipment and from the 30th of June to the 7th of July 2005 using Reason 8101 MBES ,resulting in the acquisition of part of over 1 535 km of multibeam echosounder (MBES) data collected for the Solomon Islands.

 Pacific Data Hub

This record holds the Bathymetry datasets of the offshore areas of Nui Atoll island in Tuvalu. The dataset are in XYZ text delimited format . Nui is a N-S elongated atoll island approximately 8.1 km long and 2.5 km wide, centred on 7 degrees 13'S and 177 degrees 9'E.

 Pacific Data Hub

Nanumea is an elongated atoll 13 km long along the NW-SE axis, and 2.4 km wide along the SWNE axis, centred on 176 degrees 6'E and 5 degrees 39'S. The surveyed area extends to a maximum of approximately 5.3 km offshore from the coastline at the northwest tip of the atoll.
The resultant data from the SOPAC marine survey conducted in 2004 was used to produce nine bathymetry charts for Tuvalu at scales ranging from 1:20 000 to 1:50 000 and the Nanumea bathymetry chart is available here for download under the Distribution Info.

 Pacific Data Hub

Nanumanga Island, located at 6 degrees 17'S and 176 degrees 19'E, is a low reef island comprising a single island approximately 3.7 km long along the N-S axis, and 1.6 km wide along the E-W. The island is surrounded by a fringing reef, with small central brackish-water lagoons. The surveyed area extends to an average of approximately 4.0 km, with maximum coverage of 7.3 km from the coastline to the north.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) carried out a marine survey for Tuvalu in the waters around all nine atolls and low reef islands, namely, Nanumea,
Niutao, Nanumanga, Nui, Vaitupu, Nukufetau, Funafuti, Nukulaelae, Niulakita. This work was initiated by the SOPAC/EU Reducing Vulnerability of Pacific ACP States Project.
This report describes the high-resolution bathymetric mapping survey carried out over a