19177 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Anon. 2018. Pacific Community Financial Statements for 2016. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 57 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Anon. 2020. États financiers 2019. Nouméa, Nouvelle Calédonie: Communauté du Pacifique. 50 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Anon. 2016. États financiers de la Communauté du Pacifique pour l'exercice 2015. Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie: Communauté du Pacifique (CPS). 51 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Anon. 2015. Pacific Community Annual Report 2014. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 62 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati Training Needs Analysis Report.

 Pacific Data Hub

Geothermal potential of selected Pacific nations i.e PNG, Vanuatu, Samoa, Tonga and the Northern Marianas Islands. This report is confidential and will reiquire a formal  request via the National Country Energy Offices to obtain permission for accessing the report.

 Pacific Data Hub

ADB Technical Assistance Consultant's Report. Financed by the Asian Clean Energy Fund under the Clean Energy Financing Partnership Facility. Prepared by GHD Pty Ltd. in Australia for the ADB and Yap State Public Service Corporation (YSPSC). The feasibility study is directed at 3 technical components:

 Pacific Data Hub

Installation, supervision and training consultancy carried out with the Electric Power Corporation of Samoa and funded by the UNDP, Samoa. The Satitoa wind monitoring station was installed on the causeway leading to the wharf at Aleipata.

  • Location - Aleipata Port, Satitoa, Upolu in Samoa.
  • Commissioning date - 13th June 2007


 Pacific Data Hub

The REP-5 programme “Support to the Energy Sector in 5 ACP Pacific Islands” is being implemented by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat supported from the 9th European Development Fund (EDF). The programme focuses on renewable energy and energy efficiency activities.

This report has been prepared as the Mission Report by Mr. Etienne Sauvage, the PMU Short Term Expert (STE), who visited Kosrae between the 15th and the 18th of November 2006. This report briefly examines the objectives of the mission, the activities carried out, the outputs and the next steps required.

 Pacific Data Hub

Short term mission report to the FSM (Chuuk States) between November - December 2006. This report has been prepared as the Mission Report by Mr. Duncan Brewer, the PMU Short Term Expert (STE), who visited the FSM States of Chuuk, Yap and Pohnpei between the 19th November and the 20th December 2006. This report focuses on the mission to Chuuk State and to the outer island of Onoun.

 Pacific Data Hub

Mission report to the Federated States of Micronesia from June-July, 2007 as part of the REP-5 programme. The following is an overview of content captured in this report:

  1. Yap visit: from 10 to 15 June 2007, recommendations for Yap State PV mini-grids
  • Fadrai Project Review.
  • Asor Project Review. Both reviews focused on load estimate, sizing and cost estimate, recommendations, load forecast, PV system sizing and budget summary

2.Chuuk Visit: 15 to 24 June 2007. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Reports on conditions of project buildings in Pohnpei State. The assessment aimed to examine the condition of the physical structure of the selected buildings that will receive a PV system under the REP-5 programme. There are plans to put a PV solar system on buildings on each of the 5 main outer atolls in  Pohnpei:

  • Mwoakilloa
  • Pingelap
  • Sapwaufic
  • Nukuoro
  • Kapingamarangi
 Pacific Data Hub

Short mission report to the FSM, Pohnpei State. The aim of the mission carried out by Mr. Brewer and Ms. Legros was to visit and assess the suitability for renewable energy systems of seven of the outer islands in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) which are Sapwuafic, Nukuoro, Kapingamarangi, Onoun, Satawan, Asor and Fadrai. The overall assessment was to examine the potential to supply electricity to the health centres and schools on these islands using renewable energy technologies.

 Pacific Data Hub

Short mission report to the Federated States of Micronesia from November to December in Yap State. The aim of the mission to FSM carried out by Mr. Brewer and Ms. Legros was to visit and assess the suitability for renewable energy systems of seven of the outer islands in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM).

 Pacific Data Hub

Off-grid solar installation inspection report for Yap. The aim of the inspections carried out by the REP-5 Programme Management Unit (PMU) over the period of November 2008 to March 2009 in Pohnpei, Chuuk and Yap was to ensure that the supply and installation of the 161 off- grid PV systems were done. The PV systems were designed and implemented as rooftop installations at seven sites; as flat roof installations at six sites; and as ground-mounted installations at three sites.

 Pacific Data Hub

Short inspection report to the FSM (Pohnpei) . The aim of the inspections carried out by the REP-5 Programme Management Unit (PMU) in Pohnpei, Chuuk and Yap was to ensure that the supply and installation of the 161 off- grid PV systems were done following the agreement terms and conditions. The PV systems were designed and implemented as rooftop installations at seven sites; as flat roof installations at six sites; and as ground-mounted installations at three sites.

 Pacific Data Hub

A short invitation to tenders for the supply, installation and commissioning of off-grid solar photovoltaics generators. The purpose of the document defines the technical conditions for the supplying, installation and training related to the full implementation of the solar systems in Yap, Chuuk and Pohnpei States. The performance of the present contract includes all the installation work related to the photovoltaic generators as well as all annex works and accessories required for the systems.

 Pacific Data Hub

This documents consists of the technical specification for Lot 1 of FSM (Kosrae state).The purpose of the project is to deliver, install and commission 5 solar generators connected to the public grid, with a total peak power of 45.25kWp (+/- 5%). The Technical Specifications document defines the technical conditions for the supplying, installation and training related to the full implementation of the 5 grid connected solar generators (including construction of 1 car park shading structure).

 Pacific Data Hub

This report is published under the auspices of the Cook Islands Government (CIG), with the support of the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF). The report was prepared under the guidance of the PRIF Coordination Office and with administrative support by the Asian Development Bank. PRIF is a multi-development partner coordination, research and technical facility which supports infrastructure development. The Cook Islands Infrastructure Investment Plan (CI NIIP) outlines the Cook Islands' priorities and plans for major infrastructure over the next 10 years.

 Pacific Data Hub

The prime purpose of this study is to assist the government of the Cook Islands (GOCI) to assess the investment for rehabilitation and expansion of electric supply throughout the Cook Islands, including Rarotonga. This report has been modified to be a resourceful document to assist structural reform while continuing to provide a pre-investment analysis for concessionary Bank financing. The project is done so that it is beneficial to outer islands such as Aitutaki, Manihiki, Penrhyn. Attached in this record are Volume 1 (Final Report) and Volume II (Appendixes).