6856 results
 Smithsonian Institution

Flying foxes (Pteropus spp) are important pollinators and seed dispersers in many island ecosystems. Populations of flying foxes have declined markedly on most islands in the South Pacific since the 1940's. One potential conservation strategy is to reintroduce bats on islands where they historically occurred. In this manner, the risk of species extinction due to local catastrophic events can be reduced. Ideally the source

 Smithsonian Institution

The shorefishes of Ouvea, an isolated atoll in the Loyalty Islands group of New Caledonia, had not been surveyed prior to 1990. An extensive survey was conducted by ORSTOM between 1991 and 1992 to obtain baseline information on the shorefishes. A
total of 653 taxa among 72 families are now documented from this area. The most diverse families are the Labridae (69 species), Pomacentridae (58 species), Gobiidae (54 spccies),Serranidae (39 species), Chaetodontidae (31 species) and Apogonidae (28

 Smithsonian Institution

The oceanic dispersal of plants and animals has been the focus of studies ever since organized natural history started in the Pacific, and the dispersal of terrestrial by sea rafting has been given due consideration. The finding of drift materials such as glass floats, tree trunks and seeds, is a common occurrence on the shores of Pacific Islands, but in most
cases the origin of such material is unknown or at least equivocal. Thus while the principle of sea rafted dispersal is known and reported at length, there is a need to document those

 Smithsonian Institution

The study of dispersal processes of small mammals, and especially of rodents, has a wide range of applications and until recent years there were few publications discussing the
colonisation of 'oceanic' islands by small mammals (cf. Crowell, 1986; Diamond, 1987; Hanski, 1986;Heany, 1986; Lomolino, 1986).

 Smithsonian Institution

What are the decapod crustacea known from French Polynesia? The answer to this, apparently simple question, would be very helpful for determinating the species collected during ecological studies. Moreover, from a biogeographical point of view, a check list of the species reaching this area, at the eastern limit of the Indo-West Pacific province, would be very interesting.


The islands of French Polynesia are scattered throughout a considerable oceanic area located on the eastern boundary of the Indo-Pacific Province. This area stretches from 134°28' W (Temoe Island) to 154°40' W longitude (Stilly Island), and from 7°50' S (Motu one Island) to 27°36' S latitude (Rapa Island). Out of the 118 islands constituting French Polynesia, 35 are high volcanic islands and 83 are low-relief islands or atolls. Altogether, the territory of French Polynesia represents an area of 4000 km2 of dry land, 12,000 km2 of lagoonal water and a huge

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Matter and energy budgets for coral reefs, their components, and the world around them can, do, and must balance in a theorical context (Smith and Kinsey, 1988). In this paper, we will try to
establish nitrogen, phosphorus and silica budgets between ocean and lagoon waters of Tikehau atoll in the purpose to learn more about the functioning of coral reef lagoons. Nutrient concentrations (dissolved components and particulate organic matter) were measured in the lagoon and in the surrounding oceanic surface waters between 1983 and 1987.

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 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Fish communities in the lagoon of the Tikehau atoll were studied by only a few researchers. Harmelin-Vivien (1984) studied the distribution of the main herbivorous families (Scaridae and Acanthuridae) in the lagoon and on the outer slope to 30 m in depth. The total fish community of the outer slope was studied by Galzin (1985, 1987) at 12 m in depth. These studies were carried out in the southwestern part of the atoll. Spatial organization of coral associated fish community was studied throughout the lagoon by Morize et al. (1990). Most of the other

 Smithsonian Institution

The colonization of the lagoon by coral reef fish larvae was compared between two islands of French Polynesia, the atoll of Rangiroa and the high volcanic island of Moorea. In both cases the larval flux coming into the lagoon followed a daily cycle.

 Smithsonian Institution

Ten caves in the makatea limestone of Mangaia, Cook Islands were explored and mapped, totalling over 3.7 km of passage. Of these, there was an apparent grouping by elevation that corresponds with previously described sea-level terraces in the makatea. Four caves have major level sections 10-20 m above sea-level, corresponding with a 14.5 m Pleistocene terrace. The high dimensions of these caves indicate downcutting during

 Smithsonian Institution

The Republic of the Marshall Islands requested a natural and cultural biodiversity survey of 6 northern atolls (Bok-ak, Pikaar, Toke, Wotto, Rondik, Adkup) and one reef island (Jemo) which was accomplished over 17 days in September 1988. This report covers the results of the survey of the reefs and corals during the expedition. Ninety-five marine sites were snorkeled and the shorelines of all island were surveyed during the

 Smithsonian Institution

The recorded flora of the raised phosphatic limestone island of Nauru in the equatorial Pacific Ocean consists of approximately 493 species. Only 59 are possibly indigenous, none of which are endemic. The balance is composed of ornamentals, weedy exotics, food plants, and a limited number of other useful cultigens. Twelve of the recorded species are either extinct or were never successfully established on Nauru.

 Smithsonian Institution

This paper lists the vascular flora of the three atolls (Canton, Gardner, Hull) and five small islands (Birnie, Enderbury, McKean, Phoenix, Sydney) of the Phoenix Group,
located in the arid equatorial belt of the Central Pacific, based on extensive collections made in 1973 and 1975 and on previous records and collections. The flora includes 87
species in 36 families. Only 28 of the species (32%) are considered native. A further 60 species have been recorded in the literature, many of them deliberate introductions which

 Smithsonian Institution

This paper describes the channels known as hoa which are characteristic of atoll land rims and of some islands on barrier reefs, where they often dissect previously more continuous reef-top sediment accumulations and conglomerate platforms. They are

 Smithsonian Institution

Nukutipipi atoll (5 km2), of volcanic origin 16-17 million years old on the Pitcairn (hot spot) Hereheretue line, presents a land flora and fauna of low diversity but with a Pisonia forest and hundreds of resident red-tailed tropic birds. Nukutipipi suffered from the 1983 hurricanes : destruction of vegetation and motu as well as sand lagoon mollusc populations. The north and south rims present original geomorphological structures.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

CEPA Environment Permit Application Form to Discharge Waste Schedule and Additional Information Schedule 2.


This dataset contains all spatial data that is related to the Tonga volcanic eruption. Maps produced are derived from credible data source such as UNOSTAT and UNITAR.


Impact Map


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 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

Solomon Islands is composed of almost 1000 islands and has the second longest coastline and the second largest Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in the Pacific. These physical characteristics and the unique society and culture of the population are the basis of the fundamental relationship that Solomon Islanders have with the ocean. The Marine Atlas for the Solomon Islands compiles over a hundred datasets from countless data providers and for the first time makes marine and coastal information accessible and usable as data layers and as raw data.

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

The Tonga State of the Environment 2018 report has been developed to answer three key questions related
to the environment of Tonga, and is based on seven thematic areas:
• What is the current condition of the Tongan environment?
• What are the risks the Tongan environment faces and what measures have been put forward to minimise them? This could provide lessons for Tonga.
• Where is the environment of Tonga headed based on the assessed thematic areas?

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Offshore Environment Tuna, Sharks and other targeted species Cook Islands

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