79 results
 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology
… The map shows paths and intensities of tropical cyclones in Solomon Islands EEZ … Ministry of Environment … Climate Change … Disaster Management and Meteorology … cyclon … maps … marine environment … …
 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology
… Ministry of Environment … Climate Change … Disaster Management and Meteorology … shipping routes … transportation … maps … Coastal and Marine …
 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology
… to inform, in particular, their national marine spatial and marine protected area planning efforts. The draft outputs are marine bioregions that include reef-associated and deepwater biodiversity assemblages with complete spatial … Ministry of Environment … Climate Change … Disaster Management and Meteorology … bioregions … macbio … aichi …
2xpng pdf 2xbin
… Map showing the location of Turtle tag stations and migration routes. The map was developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018. Data is based on SPREP's Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System (TREDS). TREDS provides …
 SPREP Island and Ocean Ecosystems (IOE)
… Maps and associated data from the Turtle Research and Monitoring … in Samoa, American Samoa, Vanuatu, French Polynesia and Fiji. The upgrade and update of the SPREP Regional Turtle … Environment Programme, Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, …
… In oceanography, a front is a boundary between two distinct water masses. The water masses are defined by moving in different directions. The water masses on either side of a front may also have …
… Map developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018. Nitrate is an essential resource, which, together with available light, determines … concentration is also a key variable of biogeochemical and ecosystem models. Data is based on CSIRO Atlas of …
… Map developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018. Data is …
 Vanuatu GIS Working Group
… to Radar site to do GIS Survey practical for SPREP GIS and Data Management training 26th June 2024.  … … Vanuatu GIS Working …
… in Solomon Islands EEZ. Risk categories: low, medium, high and very high. Data: Reefs at Risk Revisited (2011), World Resource Institute. The Reefs at Risk project assesses the … and pollution. The map was developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018. … png … …
… in Solomon Islands EEZ. The map was created by MACBIO as resource for the workshop on bioregions in Feb 2018. Data is …
… surface in Einstein m-2 d-1. the map was developed as resource by MACBIO for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018. …
… The map was developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018. … png … …
… This map was developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop 2017 and shows ocean surface currents based on data from NOAA …
… Solomon Islands Oceans. The map was developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018. Data on …
… of carbon in the ocean. The map was developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018. Carbon data …
… (Kd490) which is an indicator of the turbidity of the water column. The grid is derived from MODIS (Moderate … Imaging Spectoradiometer) images from NASA's Terra and Aqua satellites (http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov). … png …
… of Ports Authority. The map was developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018. … png … …
… pollution incidents. The map was developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018. Data is …
… from 1950 - 2012. The map was developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018. Data is …