33 results
 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Dataset that provides a direct link to Cook Island's data hosted on the GBIF website / records.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

direct internet link to data related to bird species of the Cook Islands on the BirdLife International portal

 Cook Islands National Environment Service
 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Report on Invasive Plant Species in Cook Islands

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Cook Islands National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Surveys and Reports on Cook Island Turtles

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Assessment Reports on Crabs in Cook Islands

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Data on the Kakerori or the Rarotonga Flycatcher in Cook Islands

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Data on rats in Cook Islands

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

A Cook Islands Marine Park.. Vision: The worlds largest marine park, one million square km’s “Protecting what we own”

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

biodiversity data for invertebrates, vertebrates, endemic and invasive species

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

This report was prepared by Teariki & Julia RongoIsland Friends Consultants for the Cook Islands NBSAP Add-On Project, National Environment Service.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Traditional Fishing Methods Cook Islands 2012

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

2020 National Vision “To enjoy the highest quality of life consistent with the aspirations of our people, and in harmony with our culture and environment”

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

The 2018 State of Environment (SOE) Report for Cook Islands updates the 1993 SOE report, and uses the Drivers, Pressures, State, Impact and Response (DPSIR) model of reporting.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service
 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Species assessments of the Kakerori (Rarotonga Flycatcher, Pomarea dimidiata), present in both Rarotonga and Atiu.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

A survey of finfish, invertebrates and substrate in Aitutaki & Manuae from September to November 2017.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

This report looks at plant genetic resources for traditional food production and consumption in Cook Islands. It was published in September 2008 by the Food and Agriculture Organization.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

This is a dataset provided by NES in 2014