14 results
 Pacific Data Hub

-INDIVIDU: Charatéristiques socio-demographiques; Vie familiale; Vie scolaire; Etat de santé; Accès aux soins; Santé bucco-dentaire; Alimentation; Activité physique; Sédentarité; Santé mentale; Véhicule à moteur; Violence; Tabac; Alcool; Cannabis; Kava et autres drogues; Sexualité; Perception des risques.

 Pacific Data Hub

ELEVE: Données démographiques du répondant, Consommation d’alcool et autres drogues, Comportements alimentaires, Hygiène, Santé mentale, Activité physique, Facteurs de protection, Comportements sexuels contribuant à l’infection VIH et à d’autres maladies sexuellement transmissibles ainsi qu’aux grossesses non désirées, Consommation de tabac, Violence et traumatismes involontaires, Connaissance du Virus de l’Immunodéficience Humaine (VIH).

 Pacific Data Hub

STUDENT: Alcohol use, dietary behaviours, drug use, hygiene, mental health, physical activity, protective factors, sexual behaviours, tobacco use, violence and unintentional injury.

 Pacific Data Hub

STUDENT: Alcohol use, dietary behaviours, drug use, hygiene, mental health, physical activity, protective facotrs, sexual behaviours, tobacco use, violence and unintentional injury.

 Pacific Data Hub

STUDENT: Alcohol use, dietary behaviours, drug use, hygiene, mental health, physical activity, protective factors, sexual behaviours, tobacco use, violence and unintentional injury.

 Solomon Islands Environment and Conservation Division

This dataset contains three maps SIWSAP created to assess the feasibility of wells and other potable water solutions in Solomon Islands communities.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2015 Cook Islands GSHS was a school-based survey of students in Years 8-13, which are typically attended by students aged 13-17. A two-stage cluster sample design was used to produce data representative of all students in Years 8-13 in Cook Islands. At the first stage, all schools were selected to participate. At the second stage, all classes were selected to participate and all students were eligible to participate.

Version 01: Public-use file adapted from the Master file provided by World Health Organization (WHO).

 Pacific Data Hub

The Global school-based student health survey (GSHS) is a collaborative surveillance project designed to help countries measure and assess the behavioural risk factors and protective factors in 10 key areas among young people aged 13 to 17 years. The GSHS is a relatively low-cost school-based survey which uses a self-administered questionnaire to obtain data on young people's health behaviour and protective factors related to the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among children and adults worldwide.

 Pacific Data Hub

En 2001, l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, en collaboration avec l’UNICEF, l’UNESCO et l’ONUSIDA, ainsi qu’avec l’appui technique des CDC, a initié le développement de l’enquête mondiale réalisée en milieu scolaire sur la santé des élèves (GSHS).
Dès 2003, les Ministères de la Santé et de l'Education du monde entier, ont utilisé l'enquête GSHS pour surveiller la prévalence des comportements à risque pour la santé et les facteurs de protection les plus importants.

 Pacific Data Hub

Après la première édition d’un Baromètre Santé Jeune en 2014, l’ASSNC a souhaité refaire un point complet sur les comportements de santé des jeunes calédoniens en apportant une attention particulière sur l’appréciation de l’école, la santé mentale, la violence et la perception des risques environnementaux.

 Pacific Data Hub

Les analyses préliminaires de ce second Baromètre Santé Adulte (18-60 ans) en NouvelleCalédonie ont permis de mettre en place une nouvelle série d’indicateurs sur les comportements et habitudes de santé de la population de Nouvelle-Calédonie ainsi que de
comparer les tendances avec les résultats obtenus lors du premier opus de 2010.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Global school-based student health survey (GSHS) is a collaborative surveillance project designed to help countries measure and assess the behavioural risk factors and protective factors in 10 key areas among young people aged 13 to 17 years. The GSHS is a relatively low-cost school-based survey which uses a self-administered questionnaire to obtain data on young people's health behaviour and protective factors related to the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among children and adults worldwide.

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

Finalised Policy on Nauru's National Water, Sanitation. 30 pages

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

The WASH Baseline Survey is an initiative of the Water and Sanitation Sector which aims to:

1. Gain a better understanding of the water and sanitation situation nationally; and
2. Collect information about Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of the population regarding water use, sanitation status and hygiene behaviour.