18848 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Energizer Newletter produced by the Energy Programme of the Economic Development Division of SPC.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Energizer Newletter produced by the Energy Programme of the Economic Development Division of SPC.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Energizer Newletter produced by the Energy Programme of the Economic Development Division of SPC.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Energizer Newletter produced by the Energy Programme of the Economic Development Division of SPC.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Energizer Newletter produced by the Energy Programme of the Economic Development Division of SPC.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Energizer Newletter produced by the Energy Programme of the Economic Development Division of SPC.

 Pacific Data Hub

Biofuel refining and development KCMCL.

Kiribati – Italy Cooperation Programme utilising Renewable Energy addressing the economy and climate change challenges.

 Pacific Data Hub

Perfomance benchmarking study for Pacific Island power utilities - 20 utilities. The last study of such kind was undertaken a decade ago. The current study adopts same basic indicators in the ealier effort, but additional indicators added to include grid-connected renewable systems, utility energy efficiencies, electricity suppply to grids from independent suppliers and others. Study coordinated by Pacific Power Association. 

Report was sourced from the PPA website - http://www.ppa.org.fj/publication-report/ 

 Pacific Data Hub

Least cost analysis of electricity generation in Kiritimati Island. Study analyses the cost of wind, solar and electricity storage technologies that could replace the existing diesel generators on Kiritimati Island, with an emphasis on the unit cost of electricity. Study aims to identify the least cost analysis, over a 20 years period from the perspective of the Ministry and provide guidance for more detailed feasibility studies to be undertaken.

 Pacific Data Hub

Renewable energy country profile for Kiribati in 2009. Prepared by IRENA. Profile provides an indication of  energy national profile 2009, target of 10% electricity generation from renewables, policies in place to promote renewable energy since Rio Conference 1992.

 Pacific Data Hub

Visit report to the PUB, South Tarawa Kiribati between 20 August - 10 September. The Pacific Infrastructure Advisory Centre (PIAC) received a request for technical assistance from the PUB on maintenance of the power generation plant and provide assistance for stregnthening PUB's benchmarking capability.This visit report details the activities, findings & next steps of the mission.

 Pacific Data Hub

Assessment reviews the energy sector in relation to the development of renewable energy sources in the country, describing how the RRA workshop in Kiribati contributes to the development of an action plan to scale up the deployment of renewable energy sources in Kiribati.

 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati national energy policy, build on the Kiribati Development Plan 2008 - 2011. Provides a single framework to admnister all energy and energy-related activities.

 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati Development Plan 2012 - 2015. Plan is to guide efforts at all levels in achieving development aspirations and vision of the government.

 Pacific Data Hub

Technology brief summarizing the current status and applications of renewable energy solutions for shipping, along with barriers and opportunities for further deployment. Provides recommendations to policy makers to promote realistic renewable energy solutions that support efficiency and reduced emissions in the important growing shipping sector.

 Pacific Data Hub

Technical report examining the the main electricity infrastructure on Kiritimati Island. It follows on from the July 2013 study, A Least Cost Analysis of electricity generation options for Kiritimati Island & a joint EU/NZ mission to Kiritimati Island between 18 and 25 September 2013.

Attachements holds the draft & final versions of the report.

 Pacific Data Hub

Wind energy feasibility study for Kiritimati Island. In response to a request for proposals from the Energy Planning Unit of the Ministry of Public Works, Garrad Hassan was commisioned to carry out a wind energy feasibility study for Kiritimati Island. Report covers the feasibility of using wind energy on Kiritimati Island.

 Pacific Data Hub

Development Partners Forum held inTarawa, Kiribati from 13 -1 4 March 2014. Agenda Item 5: Towards an energy secure Kiribati. Paper provides an overview on the Energy Sector highlighting the key policy areas, strategies and key expected outcomes and results. Povides description of the current situation and possible areas of intervention.

 Pacific Data Hub

Analysis of energy consumption at Government Buildings, Kiribati. This analysis report is written based on existing data provided by the energy division at the MInistry of Public Works and Utilities.

 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati infrastructure sector review. Report aims to provide a diagnostic review of infrastructure in Kiribati, to identify the issues and options for improved infrastructure in Kiribati to inform the design and implementation of PRIF processes.