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 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change have committed themselves to considering the special needs and concerns of developing countries resulting from the adverse effects of climate change in the area of insurance. The needs of small island states have been are highlighted for attention, due to their unique geographic features and exposure, and thus unique vulnerability.

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Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 49 p.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

In World Resources 2005 we have argued that environmental income is the wealth of the poor, with the potential to provide not just subsistence but a path out of poverty if the right gover-
nance conditions prevail. In many communities, this argument is borne out every day, in on-the-ground, village-level experience.

Available online|Village by Village: Recovering Fiji's coastal fisheries|Restoring coastal resources by linking traditional conservation practices with modern techniques to create locally managed marine areas. p.144

Call Number: [EL]

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

The development of a National Energy Policy Framework for Vanuatu is of high priority. Given the high dependence of Vanuatu on imported petroleum fuels and their associated escalating prices, it is imperative for the Government to put in place a national energy policy framework that not only address the adverse impacts of such high prices on the economy and the people but also provides a long term development plan for the energy sector. The ultimate goal is the provision of reliable
and affordable energy services to all people in Vanuatu.

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 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

In a unique move Tokelau requested all regional and international organizations that it is affiliated to either through full membership, associate or by accessing through regional international projects, to visit and consult Tokelau as a "body corporate" or all at once. The intention is to assist a small tiny country in managing all the possible assistance available from these organizations so that the actual assistance itself could be much more effective in their delivery and avoid duplication.

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Call Number: [EL]

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

The Fisheries Department is the sole agency responsible for the control (regulation), development and management of the fisheries resources within Vanuatu. However, consideration of the impacts from developments on the environment is the responsibility of the Environment Unit of the Ministry of Natural Resources. There is a possible overlap of responsibilities between the two agencies in certain areas like assessment work and conservation of species.

Available online|Fisheres Dept. version include graphics (2007; 117 mb). Subsequently published without graphics as IWP report

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Constitution - The constitution of a country usually mentions the environment in the preamble, but not in the substance of the
constitution. E.g. Soloman Islands took into account the importance of the environment and that the resources belonged to the people. Resources are usually under common law and under the power of the state, so this was a paradigm shift. Unfortunately, the new government will not include this proposal that the environment belongs to the people.

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Call Number: [EL]

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Economic instruments are market-based incentives or disincentives that aim to change behaviour or consumption patterns. Incentives will reward desirable changes whereas charges can be placed on goods or services to attempt to include the environmental and / or economic costs of waste management in the ultimate price the consumer pays at purchase (polluter pays).

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Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 2 Pages

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Because of increasing service demand, government subsidies and foreign aids are not enough for PIF countries to cover its SWM service cost.
Efficient and equitable user fee collection is essential for the
sustainable SWM service delivery.
Many countries piggy-back user fee on electricity bill or water bill.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 4 Pages

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

The Guidelines for the Assessment of Wastes or Other Matter that May be Considered for Dumping, referred to in short as the "Generic Guidelines'; as well as the Specific Guidelines for
Assessment of Bulky items primarily comprising steel, etc., addressed in this document are intended for use by national authorities responsible for regulating dumping of wastes and
embody a mechanism to guide national authorities in evaluating applications for dumping of wastes in a manner consistent with the provisions of the London Convention 1972 or the 1996

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Integrated waste management systems should possess elements of reduction, collection, recycling, and disposal. One of the significant challenges for waste managers is prioritising
and apportioning their budget between these elements to get the best outcome.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

This is an Environmental Impact Assessment report on Tonga Power Limited’s proposed biomass power
generation plant at ‘Eua. This is off the eastern coast of Tongatapu Island, the capital island of the Kingdom of
Tonga. The principal objective is to improve energy supply with an increasing use of renewable energy.

Prepared for Tonga Power Limited

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 45p. : ill. (col.) ; 29cm.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

This draft model law has been designed specifically for countries which have already enacted
comprehensive marine pollution legislation, and in particular the model Marine Pollution
Prevention Act prepared by SPC and SPREP, and last revised in 2002. For countries that have not
enacted marine pollution legislation of that nature, it is recommended that instead of using this
draft model law, consideration be given to enacting comprehensive marine pollution legislation

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

This document is aligned with the Terms of Reference (TOR) issued by National
Environment Services (NES) for guidance and advice in the preparation of
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Installation of Tanker Moorings and
Construction of a Sub-sea Pipeline.
The TOR identifies all issues that need to be addressed by the EIA.
Both facilities are for the purpose of conveying petroleum fuels into onshore storage
Tanker mooring facilities are located offshore at Areanu Tapere, Avarua District.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA) for a proposed coastal reclamation
by Terra Holdings Limited at Kawenu Cove, Fatumaru Bay was prepared by BECON in
September 2011. The EIA Report was submitted to DEPC in October 2011. The Review
Committee met on 4 November 2011 as per section 22 subsections (1) and (2) of the
Environmental Management and Conservation (Amendment) Act No 28 of 2010 and
section 12 (b) of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations Order No of 2011.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Pacific Island Countries (PICs) are heavily dependent on natural resources and likely to remain so for the near future, making resource management an issue of critical importance for economic development. This chapter employs a simple neoclassical
growth model to diagnose deficiencies in current policy regimes and suggest possible alternatives. Current practices in the exploitation of the regions mineral, tuna, and forest resources are used to illustrate problems and suggest possible policy interventions.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Fish communities in the lagoon of the Tikehau atoll were studied by only a few researchers. Harmelin-Vivien (1984) studied the distribution of the main herbivorous families (Scaridae and Acanthuridae) in the lagoon and on the outer slope to 30 m in depth. The total fish community of the outer slope was studied by Galzin (1985, 1987) at 12 m in depth. These studies were carried out in the southwestern part of the atoll. Spatial organization of coral associated fish community was studied throughout the lagoon by Morize et al. (1990). Most of the other

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

The coral reefs offshore of Saipan and Tinian are most abundant on the islands' western shores. Off Saipan, the combination of fringing and barrier reefs offers the most diverse coral habitats in the Commonwealth. Rota is surrounded by fringing reefs, and newer reefs are located off the northwest and southwest coasts (30). The extent of coral reef habitat surrounding Rota, Saipan, and Tinian is presented.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 6 Pages

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

The process by which individuals, groups, organisations, institutions and societies increase their abilities to:
Perform core functions, solve problems, define and achieve objectives
Understand and deal with their development needs in a broad context and in a sustainable manner.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 129 p.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Matter and energy budgets for coral reefs, their components, and the world around them can, do, and must balance in a theorical context (Smith and Kinsey, 1988). In this paper, we will try to
establish nitrogen, phosphorus and silica budgets between ocean and lagoon waters of Tikehau atoll in the purpose to learn more about the functioning of coral reef lagoons. Nutrient concentrations (dissolved components and particulate organic matter) were measured in the lagoon and in the surrounding oceanic surface waters between 1983 and 1987.

Available online

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

The biodiversity of the Pacific region is recognised as being globally significant. The Solomon Islands was recently included into the famous "Coral Triangle", the area of ocean considered to have the highest marine biodiversity in the world. This includes the waters of the Philippines, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. The Solomon Islands Rainforest Ecoregion is recognised as "one of the world's great Centres of Plant Diversity"