177 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts : Climate change is a critical development challenge for the region. The key threats are sea level rise, saltwater intrusion of freshwater lenses and ocean acidification and their impact on people, water and food security, livelihoods, and the Pacific region’s biodiversity and culture. Climate induced mobility and migration across the region may be a required adaptation strategy; Goal 13 indicators still require development for effective monitoring to take place.

 Pacific Data Hub

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns : Inadequate waste management practices and restricted land availability are contributing to increased volumes of solid and hazardous wastes in the region; Organic waste constitutes approximately 44 per cent of the waste stream, and over 80 percent of ocean litter is derived from land-based sources; There is currently limited data on recycling rates and hazardous waste treatment in the Pacific, although these are identified as priorities for sustainable development.

 Pacific Data Hub

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable : The 2017 World Risk Report identified the Pacific as the region of highest risk, measured over a five-year timeframe; In the last three years, the Pacific has faced a number of disaster events causing significant economic impacts, injury and loss of life. Post-disaster needs assessments indicated significant damages and losses, equivalent to 30% of national GDP in Fiji (2016), and 64% in Vanuatu (2015) for example.

 Pacific Data Hub

Reduce inequality within and among countries : Pacific SIDS require special assistance to guarantee a share in the benefits of sustainable development. Their role in international organisations, with respect to membership and voting rights, is one element in this process; Goal 10 also seeks to measure inequality within countries, by looking at the change in per capita income or consumption of the poorest four-tenths of the population relative to the national average.

_Find more Pacific data on [PDH.stat](https://stats.pacificdata.org)._

 Pacific Data Hub

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation : Information and communications technology can mitigate the challenges of distance and isolation. Individual use of mobile phone technology is generally widespread, although the technology available varies significantly across the region. Manufacturing can be a key promoter of economic development and employment. In most Pacific countries however, formal employment in manufacturing remains low and value added manufacturing a small share of GDP.

 Pacific Data Hub

This is a subset of [Sustainable Development Goals (all)](https://stats.pacificdata.org/vis?locale=en&dataflow[datasourceId]=SPC2…)

 Pacific Data Hub

The objectives of Census changed over time shifting from earlier years where they were essentially household registrations and counts, to now where a national population census stands supreme as the most valuable single source of statistical data for the Fiji.
Census data is now widely used to evaluate:
- The availability of basic household needs in key sectors, to identify disadvantaged areas and help set priorities for action
- Benefits of development programmes in particular areas, such as literacy, employment and family planning;

 Pacific Data Hub

The Census is the official count of population, dwellings and households in Tonga and it provides a ‘snapshot’ of the country at one specific point in time: 30th of November 2011. A Tonga census has been taken once in every ten years since 1956. However the population census of 2011 is the first population census by 5 year interval from the previous census in 2006 due to the Electoral Boundary Commission (EBC)'s request according to its Act 2010.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2018 Tonga National Disabiltiy Survey was conducted jointly by the Tonga Department of Statistics (TDS) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Social Protection and Disability. It is the first population-based comprehensive disability survey in the country. Funding was provided through number of bodies including UNICEF, DFAT and Tonga Government. The Pacific Community provided technical supports through out different stages of the survey.

 Pacific Data Hub

The objectives of Census changed over time shifting from earlier years where they were essentially household registrations and counts, to now where a national population census stands supreme as the most valuable single source of statistical data for the Fiji Islands.

Census data is now widely used to evaluate:
- The availability of basic household needs in key sectors, to identify disadvantaged areas and help set priorities for action plans;
- Benefits of development programmes in particular areas, such as literacy, employment and family planning;

 Pacific Data Hub

The purpose of the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) survey is to obtain information on the income, consumption pattern, incidence of poverty, and saving propensities for different groups of people in Kiribati. This information will be used to guide policy makers in framing socio-economic developmental policies and in initiating financial measures for improving economic conditions of the people.

 Pacific Data Hub

The primary purpose of this survey was to gather more accurate and detailed information on income and expenditure levels and flows in the Marshall Islands (MHL) and to update and revise the MHL Consumer Price Index (a separate series of publications document the CPI revision efforts).

Version 01: Cleaned, labelled and anonymized version of the Master file.

* Collection start: 2019
* Collection end: 2020

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2013 Vanuatu Demographic and Health Survey (VDHS) is a national sample survey designed to provide information on population, family planning, maternal and child health, child survival, AIDS and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), reproductive health, nutrition, disability and child labour and child discipline in Vanuatu.

 Pacific Data Hub

The National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) Baseline Survey 2019 is an expanded Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) and is inclusive of health educational, cultural, and productive dimensions previously uncollected or in need of updating. The results of this survey will inform directly more than 30 key indicators listed in the NSDP M&E (Monitoring and Evaluation) Framework, as well as more than 40 of the listed indicators for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

 Pacific Data Hub

Durant la période juin 2005 mai 2006, le Service Territorial de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STSEE) de Wallis et Futuna a réalisé une enquête socio-économique visant à mieux appréhender les conditions de vie des ménages et déterminer la structure de leurs dépenses afin d'établir un indice des prix de détail à la consommation.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2021 Tonga HIES is the new update of this kind, after the 2015/2016, 2009 & 2001 versions. This survey aims to provide indicators on Household Living Standard using monetary aspect (amount of income and expenditure), non-monetary aspect (calory consumed, assets own, imputed rents…) and more social approach (education, health, food security status…).

 Pacific Data Hub

This is a subset of [Sustainable Development Goals (all)](https://stats.pacificdata.org/vis?locale=en&dataflow[datasourceId]=SPC2…)

 Pacific Data Hub

This is a subset of [Sustainable Development Goals (all)](https://stats.pacificdata.org/vis?locale=en&dataflow[datasourceId]=SPC2…)

 Pacific Data Hub

This is a subset of [Sustainable Development Goals (all)](https://stats.pacificdata.org/vis?locale=en&dataflow[datasourceId]=SPC2…)

 Pacific Data Hub

This is a subset of [Sustainable Development Goals (all)](https://stats.pacificdata.org/vis?locale=en&dataflow[datasourceId]=SPC2…)