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 United Nations University

Beginning with the 1972 Stockholm Summit on Sustainable Development, the links between economic, social and environmental aspects to achieving sustainable development have received increasing attention.


This atlas demonstrates the potential value of spatial
analyses as a tool to assist countries in maximising
biodiversity benefits whilst reducing carbon emissions from
land use change.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 16 p.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)

The plastic demijohn
Origin: streets, streams, beaches and boats.
Behaviour: can cause serious, even fatal intestinal
blockages in marine animals if swallowed.
Average lifespan: 400 to 600 years.

 Ministry of Lands, Minerals & Fisheries

Eighteen Species of beche-de-mer were recored in a survey of eef flats and seagrass areas in Vanuatu.Composition and diversity was variable in different habitats, and denstities were genereally low.It is unlikely that present stocks could support recommended harvesting quotas.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 7 Pages

 Vanuatu Environment Unit

The Vanuatu Environment Unit is undertaking a capacity building add-on to the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Planning Project. One priority within this work has been to assess capacity to conduct research, assessment and monitoring of biological resources and their ecosystems to which they are part of. An inventory of recent and current research, assessment and monitoring programmes have just recently been done by the project. A report is currently in preparation following this stock take.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

 University of New England

This article describes and discusses the establishment and operation of the Micronesia Conservation Trust (MCT). Following three years of preparations and multi-stakeholder consultations MCT was established in 2002 with the objective of supporting biodiversity conservation and related sustainable development for the people of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) by providing long-term sustained funding. In 2008 MCT completed

 Commission for Environmental Assessment

The CBD, the Ramsar Convention and the CMS recognise impact assessment as an important tool to ensure that development is planned and implemented with biodiversity 'in mind'. The CBD requires parties to apply impact assessment to projects, programmes, plans and policies with a potential negative impact on biodiversity. Considerable progress has been made in strengthening impact assessment as a tool to further the aims of the CBD and related conventions. However, practise shows
that more work is needed.


This document outlines the activities that the Secretariat plans to undertake to support the IYB. Some of these have already begun and others are in development. The paper includes suggestions as to actions that other partners may take to advance the celebrations of the IYB.
The end result of the IYB celebration will be action at various levels as a result of targeted "public awareness" campaigns in collaboration with a number of partners. A comprehensive


Biodiversity and ecosystem services are being degraded faster than at any other time in human history. Most of the world's biodiversity is found in Southern countries where people greatly depend on natural resources but suffer from high levels of rural poverty and often weak governance. Weak governance (eg. political marginalization and corruption) is a key underlying driver of both biodiversity loss and poverty. At the same time, the role of biodiversity in the provision of ecosystem services that underpin national economies and rural livelihoods is largely overlooked.

 European Communities

What is biodiversity? Biodiversity has different meanings depending on the situation being discussed and the target audience. For example, the Oxford English Dictionary defines biodiversity as being "The variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat". This is definition is clearly sufficient for non-specialists. However, when looking more specifically at biodiversity, it becomes evident that thought needs to be given to other groups such as fungi, bacteria and archea.

 Department of Conservation (DOC)

Wildlife trafficking is a large-scale multi-billion dollar industry worldwide. The illegal trade of
wildlife has reached such prominence that it has the potential to devastate source populations
of wildlife, impacting on the integrity and productivity of ecosystems in providing food and
resources to the local economy. In order to protect these resources, legislation has been put in
place to control the trade of wildlife in almost every country worldwide. Those assigned with

 Wetlands International

Prior to this survey, the island nation of Samoa had not been systematically surveyed for freshwater biodiversity despite the clear role of freshwater and the associated biodiversity in providing essential ecosystem services. This report is beginning to address this gap in knowledge in Samoa by presenting the preliminary results from the first of an anticipated series of freshwater surveys and in-field trainings for Samoa with the target organisms being fishes and macro-crustaceans.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

CEPA Environment Permit Application Form to Discharge Waste Schedule and Additional Information Schedule 2.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Papua New Guinea Final National Action Plan to the ten year (2008-2018) UNCCD Strategy.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Linkages of GEF Goals, PNG's Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Sustainable Development Goals which are within the administration of CEPA.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Agriculture s the foundation of and heart of the rural PNG economy with over 85% of its 7.5 million people depending on the sector for their livelihoods. This sector is faced with so many challenges including climate change, lack of access to markets and so on. The access to suitable and timely information and knowledge is also seen to be one of the key drawbacks of agriculture advancement in PNG.

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

For the Ninth Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas December 2013, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) commissioned an assessment of the status of biodiversity and conservation in Oceania. This report assesses the overall state of conservation in Solomon Islands using 16 indicators.

*this report wasn't published but was sent to country for checking (2013) *- to be used for the Regional SOE initiative 2019

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

Solomon Islands is composed of almost 1000 islands and has the second longest coastline and the second largest Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in the Pacific. These physical characteristics and the unique society and culture of the population are the basis of the fundamental relationship that Solomon Islanders have with the ocean. The Marine Atlas for the Solomon Islands compiles over a hundred datasets from countless data providers and for the first time makes marine and coastal information accessible and usable as data layers and as raw data.

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

The Tonga State of the Environment 2018 report has been developed to answer three key questions related
to the environment of Tonga, and is based on seven thematic areas:
• What is the current condition of the Tongan environment?
• What are the risks the Tongan environment faces and what measures have been put forward to minimise them? This could provide lessons for Tonga.
• Where is the environment of Tonga headed based on the assessed thematic areas?

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

This dataset shows the areas of biological significance (ABS) on Pohnpei. The original dataset was created by The Nature Conservancy. A subset to show only Pohnpei was created by the Island Research & Education Initiative (iREi). These data are intended to capture those areas that represent the wide range of biodiversity features in the marine and terrestial areas of FSM. They are used to guide conservation planning and projects in FSM, and ultimately to help establish conservation areas. Polygons capturing expert knowledge from FSM Blueprint project.