3027 results

Catchments deterioration
. Low river flows (dry season)
. Frequent flash-flood (wet season)
. Changed river flow patterns over time
. high soil erosion
. turbid & colored water (koko Samoa)

Available online

Call Number: EL

Physical Description: 32 p.

 University of the South Pacific (USP)

Traditionally, Pacific Island people have lived a subsistence lifestyle with taboos and practices that ensured sustainability of resource use. However, modernization with all its implications has reduced the quality of life with problems affecting the very pillars of sustainable development. There are many disadvantages that derive from small size, a narrow range of resources, excessive dependence on international trade, high population density, over use of natural resources, relatively small watersheds, costly infrastructure, fragile ecosystems and high levels of endemism.

 University of the South Pacific (USP)

Traditionally, Pacific Island people have lived a subsistence lifestyle with taboos and practices that ensured sustainability of resource use. However, modernization with all its implications has reduced the quality of life with problems affecting the very pillars of sustainable development. There are many disadvantages that derive from small size, a narrow range of resources, excessive dependence on international trade, high population density, over use of natural resources, relatively small watersheds, costly infrastructure, fragile ecosystems and high levels of endemism.

 Human Development Network

Education is the heart of development. It helps people build productive lives and cohesive societies. On the ground this means getting all children to school and delivering a high quality education. It means that teachers need to be well educated and equipped with materials which reflect the history and heritage of the nation. It means making everyone literate. It requires a strong university sector that has world class teaching,learning and research. It demands a vocational education and training system that is responsive to and shapes the demands of the people and the economy.

 CSIRO Publishing

The history of New Guinea started about 130 million years
ago with the break-up of the great southern landmass called
Gondwana. The Australian continental plate then drifted
northwards somewhat isolated from other lands and carrying
a unique collection of plants and animals. The present form of
New Guinea developed as the leading edge of the Australian
plate crumpled on impact with a complex of smaller plates
and volcanic islands near the equator. Much of New Guinea
formed far to the east in the Pacific Ocean before being

 Springer Singapore

The Independent Pacific Island States are home to a diverse array of heritage sites. These include impressive marine and terrestrial ecosystems, sites evidencing the development if island societies, and placed of significance due to their connection with the customs of Pacific islanders. The World Heritage Conservation requires State parties to implement the legal measures needed to protect the World Heritage within their borders, but does not mandate what firm that legislation must take.

Call Number: [EL],333.72 PRI

 Springer Science and Business Media LLC

Mangrove forests store high amounts of carbon, protect communities from storms and support fisheries. Mangroves exist in complex social-ecological systems hence identifying socioeconomic conditions associated with decreasing losses and increasing gains remains challenging albeit important.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 16 p.