4 results
 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

FSM and its constituent states have undertaken to develop a National Invasive Alien Species Strategy and Action Plan (NISSAP) in 2015. This desktop study was implemented to support the development of the NISSAP.

A concise discussion is presented based on a synthesis of the data and information collated highlighting key invasive alien species already occurring in the country or at the verge of potential invasion (considering pathways of introduction), key endemic and threatened species,and threatened ecosystems with description.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

A strategy for the management of invasive species and address related issues in Kiribati as a whole.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

This NISSAP has been developed to identify invasive species and priority actions to address their threats on the environment, economy and livelihood of people.

 NEPC - National Environment Protection Council,  Palau

Palau's National Invasive Species and Biosecurity Strategic Action Plan 2018-2022 describes goals, objectives, and actions for the National Invasive Species Committee (NISC) and associated members.