6 results
 Pacific Data Hub

The scope of Census includes:

- HOUSEHOLD: Household characteristics such as; Type of Living quarters, House ownership, construction, floor & roof materials, source of drinking water, toilet type, source of cooking energy, method of cooking, source of lighting, type of crops grown, size of garden, types of livestocks, different appliances and electronics own, internet access and cash received.

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 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Dwelling age; number of rooms; sources of water; means of cooking; rubbish disposal; household items; access to Sky TV, internet; numbers of pigs and chickens; sources of income; combined annual household income

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 Pacific Data Hub

This record captures the electrification rate for selected countries in the Pacific Region. This data is also reflected in the  SPC National Minimum Development Indicators (NMDI) -  (http://www.spc.int/nmdi/energy ) and was last updated in October 2014. This dataset updates the electrification rate given in the FAESP 2009 indicators as it is based on the most recent census referenced to 2014.

 Pacific Data Hub

Record captures Pacific Island Population based on the last population census as well as projectiond/estimates. Estimates and projections of demographic indicators are for selected years. This spreadsheet was last updated in September 2013.  Data captured are:

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

Dataset related to the population trend from 1931-2009. It can be seen that the population of the Solomon Islands has continuously increased and it is now more than five times the size it was in 1931.

 National Statistical Office of PNG


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