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09 July 2021 | dataset

North Pacific Sub-regional Climate Change Adaptation & Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Media Training Report -FSM

A training report (2012) for a training that was intended to provide a platform where local participants can discuss, learn and share good practices about climate change, its effects, adaptations methods and the roles of participants in climate change awareness, education, communication and public access to information.

Field Value
Publisher Department of Environment, Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM), FSM
Release Date
Source URL…
Identifier 71c24fb1-6633-444d-bacd-ba923763f98a
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Federated States of Micronesia
Relevant Countries Federated States of Micronesia
Language English
License Public
[Open Data]
Contact Name Lagi
POD Theme Atmosphere and Climate, Built Environment