Importance of Agriculture Census (AC)
Agriculture is the predominant activity in the Kingdom of Tonga's economy, contributing more than 17% to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2012 - 2013. The first ever Agriculture Census of the Kingdom was conducted in 1985. The second Census was conducted in 2001, focusing on land tenure, land utilization, area and production of principal crops, livestock, agricultural implements and equipment, use of fertilizers, etc. including the various agricultural activities in which most of the households were engaged in. Although agriculture is the main factor in the economy of the Kingdom of Tonga, the database in this sector seems to be inadequate. There were quite several surveys conducted for this sector, however, an updated frame (list of holdings/parcels and its characteristics) is needed so these surveys will obtain more reliable estimates. There were important developments in agriculture within the fourteen-year period from the last census that should be captured like the use of forest trees within the farming system to enhance productivity and information on fisheries, which is becoming a very important sector of the Kingdom's economy. Considering the above issues, there is a great need to update the statistics on agriculture in order to determine its present situation and to use it for economic planning and policy-making.
In support of the strategic plans and programmes of the Kingdom of Tonga on agriculture, the Government has decided to conduct the Agriculture Census (AC). This census is envisioned to:
a) Provide benchmark or basic data on structure of agricultural holdings and their main characteristics;
b) Use this information to develop a regular system of agricultural statistics;
c) Build up some important village level statistics;
d) Establish a technical and organizational foundation on which to build up a comprehensive and integrated system of food and agricultural statistics; and
e) Provide a frame from which samples can be drawn to study certain aspects of agricultural activities in greater depth.
f) Provide information on community (village) statistics.
Authority for Undertaking the AC 2015
The AC 2015 is conducted jointly by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Forests and Fisheries and the Statistic Department. Authority for the census rest with the Government Statistician who has the legal power to collect such information under the Statistics Act 1978.
v01: Finalised fully edited data, cleaned and labelled version of the Master file.
The 2015 census covers all households and agricultural holdings as well as all villages in Tonga. Items covered include the
At the Household and Organizational level:
a) Engagement of subsectors of agriculture.
b) Household membership demographic and economic information.
c) Land use under bush allotment and town allotment, area by tenure and location.
d) Area under perennial crops, annual crops, animal yard, pasture, fallow and other land use.
e) Number of trees in town allotment and home garden.
f) Food crops cultivation, including crop still growing, crops harvested.
g) Agricultural practices.
h) Engagement in farming community.
i) Livestock including number of heads, livestock disposal and veterinary services.
j) Fishery including type of fishing, main purpose of fishing, species harvested and habitat type of fishing.
k) Forestry including intended use of trees and shrubs.
l) Handicraft including proportion of raw material used from household and estimate of product value of katoanga.
m) Agricultural labour and machinery
At the Community (Village) level:
a) Village officer's information
b) Main economic activity
c) Outbreaks in the village
d) Farmers cooperative
e) Development priorities
* Collection start: 2015
* Collection end: 2015
Data and Resource
Field | Value |
Publisher | Pacific Data Hub |
Modified | |
Release Date | |
Source URL | |
Identifier | ee61bd0f-d463-433c-8246-494306ce517e |
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location | Array |
Relevant Countries | Tonga |
License |
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Author | Array |