9 results
 Pacific Data Hub

These are 2 photoset collections of historical black and white aerial photographs that was taken of Pohnpei Island in the Federated States of Micronesia, acquired in 1975. Coverage of the first photoset is limited to areas that fall around the inland and coastal areas of Kolonia along the Northern part of Pohnpei Island. The second photoset covers the land area, coastal area, reef area and towards the deep sea area of on the South Eastern part of Pohnpei Island (Temwen Island, Nan Mandol Ruins and Nahkapw.

 Pacific Data Hub

These photo-sets (2) are a collection of historical coloured aerial photographs that was taken in Sigatoka, Malolo Lailai (Musket Cove Resort), and two reefs towards the south of Malolo Lailai Island,Fiji Islands in 1991. Coverage is limited to areas that fall around the coastal, reef and outer reef area . The original paper prints have been scanned at a resolution of 1200 DPI on a Magnum G600 Wide format scanner, resized and stored as TIFF format. All 14 photographs have not been rectified but mosaicked for viewing purposes and uploaded according to their frame numbers.

 Pacific Data Hub

These photo-sets (2) are a collection of historical coloured aerial photographs that was taken in Sigatoka, Malolo Lailai (Musket Cove Resort), and two reefs towards the south of Malolo Lailai Island,Fiji Islands in 1991. Coverage is limited to areas that fall around the coastal, reef and outer reef area . The original paper prints have been scanned at a resolution of 1200 DPI on a Magnum G600 Wide format scanner, resized and stored as TIFF format. All 14 photographs have not been rectified but mosaicked for viewing purposes and uploaded according to their frame numbers.

 Pacific Data Hub

This record shows a Base map of West of Betio in South Tarawa, Kiribati. Due to frequent coastal erosion on South Tarawa, the map was produced to show the coastal changes that have taken place. Present Shorelines (1992) are compared to shorelines from 1943 and 1969. This Base map showcase West of Betio, Sheet 1 of 2. The map was drawn based on surveys and aerial images taken in 1969, 1943 and 1992. Shoreline data are from 1945 and 1953 surveys from Howorth (1982).

 Pacific Data Hub

This record shows a Base map of East of Betio in South Tarawa, Kiribati. Due to frequent coastal erosion on South Tarawa, the map was produced to show the coastal changes that have taken place. Present Shorelines (1992) are compared to shorelines from 1943 and 1969. This Base map showcase East of Betio, Sheet 2 of 2. The map was drawn based on surveys and aerial images taken in 1969, 1943 and 1992. Shoreline data are from 1945 and 1953 surveys from Howorth (1982).

 Pacific Data Hub

This record shows a Base map of East of Betio in South Tarawa, Kiribati. Due to frequent coastal erosion on South Tarawa, the map was produced to show the coastal changes that have taken place. Present Shorelines (1992) are compared to shorelines from 1943 and 1969. This Base map showcase East of Betio, Sheet 2 of 2. The map was drawn based on surveys and aerial images taken in 1969, 1943 and 1992. Shoreline data are from 1945 and 1953 surveys from Howorth (1982).

 Pacific Data Hub

This record shows a Base map of West of Betio in South Tarawa, Kiribati. Due to frequent coastal erosion on South Tarawa, the map was produced to show the coastal changes that have taken place. Present Shorelines (1992) are compared to shorelines from 1943 and 1969. This Base map showcase West of Betio, Sheet 1 of 2. The map was drawn based on surveys and aerial images taken in 1969, 1943 and 1992. Shoreline data are from 1945 and 1953 surveys from Howorth (1982).

 Pacific Data Hub

A collection of the 1969 Historical Aerial Photographs of Kiribati, Nikunau Island. All 39 Photographs have not been rectified but uploaded individually and referenced according to their frame numbers. Images have also been mosaicked using the Hypercube software for preview purpose only.

 Pacific Data Hub

A collection of the 1969 Historical Aerial Photographs of Kiribati, Nikunau Island. All 39 Photographs have not been rectified but uploaded individually and referenced according to their frame numbers. Images have also been mosaicked using the Hypercube software for preview purpose only.